
Compounding of TPV in Internal Mixers

Compounding of TPV in Internal Mixers

Thermoplastic Elastomers - Compounding - Internal Mixer - Morphology - Material properties

The aim of work is to gather process knowledge concerning the discontinuous compounding of TPV in internal mixers. Therefore, the melting of the thermoplastic phase, the dependence of the material morphology on process parameters like temperature and rotor speed of the internal mixer ans the correlation of material morphology and the mechanical and rheological properties of unvulcanised thermoplastic elastomers are analysed at the beginning of the research project. Following the process of the dynamic vulcanisation in the internal mixer is investigated to develop mixing process which allow to compound TPV in internal mixer reproducible and economically. In addition, the influence of curing system and other compound ingredients on material morphology and thus on the material properties are investigated.


Source: KGK - March 2010

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