Absorptometer "C"
The new Absorptometer "C" Data Acquisition System determines oil absorption in compliance with ASTM D 2414 as well as ASTM D 3493 including new procedures B and C.
The Absorptometer "C" Data Acquisition System consists of the following major components:
- frequency inverter drive unit with precise torque measurement
- high-precision measuring mixer with special blades
- high-precision burette, variable programmable titration rate for optimum test procedure
- 64-bit software for Windows VISTA, Windows 7 and Windows 8
The measuring principle is the same as with the previous models, but in contrast to these, the instrument and burette do no longer stop automatically, enabling evaluation acc. to the new procedures B and C of ASTM D 2414.
The user-optimized, modern 64-bit software of the Absorptometer "C" offers numerous advantages for daily laboratory use:
- Continuous operation at low cost: Mixer-specific determination of the TLS (= torque limit switch) and all other important data
- System normalization as per ASTM with standard reference carbon blacks, including the possibility of normalization with other than standard carbon blacks
- Normalization trends show mixer wear
- Choice between local and remote operation
- Automatic saving of tests in remote operation
- Definition of test lists and test patterns
- Full burette control via PC, incl. variable programmable titration rate for quick titration at the beginning and reduced rates during the significant test phase
- Separate selection of operator and printout language
- Evaluation fully meets ASTM D 2414 incl. new procedures B (end-point at 70 % of maximum torque) and C (end-point at fixed but reduced torque level)
- Calculation of 3rd order polynomial in the significant part of the torque curve
- Manifold graphics options
- One PC can handle up to 4 instruments with 2 or more interchangeable mixers each